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Hua Kim Phuong is a fresh graduate majoring in oil painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore. During these three years of her Fine Arts Studies, she has learnt and explored various approaches and techniques like sculpture, printmaking, figure drawing, photography and theory of art. She is strongly passionate in participation of commission work, art events, collaboration workshop with artists and artist as curator that she had experienced before. Both Illustrator and Photoshop are her strength in design field.


Majoring in Fine Art Painting in LASALLE, Phuong has gone through various themes and concepts. Her perception of art leans towards people as individuality, identity, psychological and physical struggles and social gaze. The images she creates in both of her drawings and paintings are depictions of the human condition based on her life experiences. Her intention is to express her personal observation and critical thinkings on social judgments and stereotypes. She finds that ideas and thoughts are perceived through the painting better than spoken language.










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